Anne Gadomski, MD, Bassett Healthcare Network (Funded 2015-2017)
The purpose of this project is to answer the question: Does exposure to “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” (LTSAE) influence parents’ actual conversations about their young child’s development with their child’s health care provider? The LTSAE developmental milestone checklists and other parent educational material direct parents to ask their doctor about their child if they suspect a developmental problem, delay or disability. To evaluate whether these materials actually activate parents (as well as their doctors) to discuss, recognize and act on signs of developmental delay, we will compare within-visit parent-doctor interaction regarding child development by analyzing well visit audiotapes and parent exit surveys pre- and post-LTSAE exposure. In three pediatric clinics in underserved areas of upstate NY, we will first collect baseline data regarding pre-LTSAE exposure that will include 50 audio- taped well child visits and 175 parent exit surveys. Then we will expose parents to age-appropriate LTSAE developmental milestone checklists and clinic posters prior to well-child visits. Pediatricians will be oriented to LTSAE materials in this phase as well. Then we will collect post-LTSAE exposure data that will include another 50 audio-taped visits and 175 parent exit surveys to measure if there is a change in parent perception (recognition), attitudes and action related to detecting delayed development or promoting normal development in their children. The data will be qualitatively analyzed to measure change in the parent’s primary outcome: “I look for developmental milestones my child should be reaching in terms of how s/he plays, acts, speaks, and learns.” Other outcomes will include reactions to LTSAE materials and referrals made.