Improving Measures to Identify Tics and Tic Disorders
Modeling Small Area Estimates of Indicators of Children’s Mental Health and Mental Disorders using National Survey Data
Using a conceptual framework that recognizes the multiple levels of influence on children’s health outcomes, our team will develop an evidence based analytic approach to examine the extent of the geographic variation in children’s mental health and well-being and its multilevel determinants using existing, linked individual- and area-level databases. Our primary goal is to identify […]Read More »
DRDC Evaluation Report 2019-2020
The Disability Research and Dissemination Center has released its latest Evaluation Report, and you can download or view it under the “About Us” menu at the top of our webpages.Read More »
COVID-19 Disability-Related Resources
The DRDC has put together a brief list of helpul links to information about the new coronavirus (COVID-19), which is specifically geared towards people with disability and their caregivers and families. We also wanted to share a guide for First Responders, which is a general resource for helping people with specific disabilities as well as […]Read More »
DRDC Publications Update
As of the beginning of 2020, the DRDC projects had produced 54 published manuscripts, two books, and two educational products. You can find the list of DRDC publications here with links to the educational products, too. Dozens of additional DRDC-supported papers are in review, revision or preparation; and they will be added to the list […]Read More »
David W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis
Annually, the DRDC provides support to the David W. Smith Workshop, which brings together clinicians and scientists to advance understanding of normal and abnormal morphogenesis. You can find more information on the meeting website here: In 2020, the meeting will be held in Skamania Resort in Stevenson, Washington, and the list of speakers can […]Read More »
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Pain Interventions for People with Longstanding Disability
Pain, chronic pain, and pain management are of considerable interest in health care, however, little information is readily available about pain prevalence or management for people with longstanding disability. The overall goal for this project is to identify and report on literature related to pain and pain interventions for people with longstanding disability. As is […]Read More »
Assessing Impact of cCMV Infection on Development and Language in Infants Identified by a Universal Screening Program
Lifelong disabilities are caused by congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection; thus, there is a need to develop data-driven, rational newborn screening and intervention policies. The practice of targeted screening for cCMV – based on signs and symptoms of disease (included a failed newborn hearing screen) at birth – has been advocated by many groups. However, many […]Read More »
Impact of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) on the Educational Costs and Placements of Hearing Impaired Children
Currently, there are no studies with longitudinal data of placement and outcomes of children before and after the development of EHDI systems. The broad long term goal of this research project is to investigate the cost benefit for children with educationally significant hearing loss as a result of universal newborn hearing screening/early hearing detection and […]Read More »
Two new DRDC publications are available
The DRDC continues to explore medication usage in people with disabilities on several fronts. We have two recent manuscripts that can be found here: One of the papers considered medication adherence in people with IDD and hypertension, and the other reviewed opioid prescription patterns in people with lifelong disability and immune conditions.Read More »