DRDC Dissemination Overview
The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) is the home for the DRDC Dissemination Core. The overall aim of the Dissemination Core is to communicate and disseminate current scientific, programmatic, and policy information, which leads to translating knowledge into improved practice and policy for a wide array of NCBDDD stakeholders and other audiences.
Goals for Dissemination Core (2018-2022):
1. Maintain and enhance the DRDC website and social media strategies.
In year four, the DRDC will continue to maintain this accessible and comprehensive website that meets Section 504 requirements. Enhancements have been made and will continue in order to increase the functionality and value of the DRDC website. We will continue to add content related to the accomplishments of funded projects, to have graded user levels for access, and to have systems to update and monitor frequently with feedback mechanisms to maintain a useful site.
In Year Four, the website will include locations to share and disseminate results from the public health and disability scientific community (e.g. findings and evidence-based practices); highlight DRDC-funded and NCBDDD priority research; solicit for new DRDC research, training, or mini-grant competition opportunities, using on-line submissions. The DRDC utilizes social media for dissemination on pertinent information and will regularly post on Facebook, social networking sites, Twitter, and partnership collaborations/networks, and list serves. The DRDC can be found on Twitter @DisabilityRDC. The DRDC is a member of 50 LinkedIn groups and uses this social media platform to disseminate research results, research and fellowship opportunities and reach traditional and non-traditional public health and research entities. The Dissemination Core will work with NCBDDD to support web-based meetings and interactions, or other communication outlets such as conference calls, webinars, or on-site meetings as negotiated.
2. Maintain the Stakeholders’ Network (SN) established in Year One.
The DRDC Stakeholder Network consists of professional and disability-related research organizations that are interested in supporting the planned efforts and activities related to research, training, and evidence-based programs regarding the health and disability of children and adults with disabilities. The DRDC will continue to network with state and local public health experts, especially in the area of early identification, and disability and health state grantees to increase expertise and interest in successful public health programs. DRDC will engage the SN to broaden dissemination efforts, expand expertise and support, and gain feedback, which allows more targeted contacts for focused programs and activities.
3. Convene meetings of stakeholders to discuss and address research, policy, and programmatic issues.
In Year Four, the DRDC will work with NCBDDD to sponsor Expert Panel Meetings. Both invited and public meetings can provide opportunities for communication of information, discussion/ problem-solving, technical assistance, and future planning. Topics, purposes, and venues will be determined through multiple mechanisms and negotiated with NCBDDD. Possible meetings and activities might include topics of timely interest or organizing efforts for D&H state grantees and/or state/ local public health programs to address policies, programs, or research; implementation of vetted health promotion activities; reducing health disparities and improving health equity; integrating messages and materials (NCBDDD or DRDC developed) into state/local programs with ongoing monitoring of effectiveness; assisting NCBDDD in developing a road for future initiatives for their Divisions and Branches. All activities will be accessible and content will be produced in accessible formats. Some of these activities may be accomplished in coordination with the NCBDDD Champions initiative.
4. Solicit Research RFA’s for NCBDDD
In Year Four, as in the prior three years, the DRDC will aggressively solicit researchers to submit applications and compete for the published DRDC/NCBDDD RFA’s. The DRDC will utilize social media platforms, DRDC External Advisory Council, DRDC Stakeholders Network and targeted communications to reach universities, medical schools, professional organizations, disability researchers, national organizations and other interested parties to announce the availability of the current RFA’s. RFA’s will be posted on the DRDC website in January 2016, with the opportunity for applicants to post questions and file their applications.
5. Develop, implement and sustain a knowledge repository of notable scientific research publications in collaboration with the Division of Human Development and Disability scientific, communication and policy staff.
In Year Four, the DRDC will continue to develop a web–based repository of DHDD research and notable scientific publications that will be easily accessible to NCBDDD staff, and the general public, to include disability researchers, program managers, policy experts, state health departments, national, state and community organizations, healthcare providers, people with disabilities and other interested parties.
6. Participate in National Quality Forum and national coalition meetings to identify opportunities for integration of NQF and NCBDDD shared interests and priorities.
In Year four, DRDC staff will serve on the National Quality Forums (NQF) Workgroups on Persons Dually Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. DRDC will monitor the following NQF committees and workgroups: behavioral health, health disparities, health and well-being, home and community-based services, measure application partnership, Medicaid, post-acute care and long-term care, person- and family-centered care, and population health. DRDC staff will submit updates on these meetings in a timely manner and will submit monthly reports to the NCBDDD leadership. In addition to and to supplement NQF activities, DRDC staff will also serve on national coalitions and relevant task forces that focus on disability and public health related to NCBDDD priorities.