Through collation of: 1) actionable new information and results of studies funded through the DRDC, 2) new and emerging areas of interest for NCBDDD, and/or 3) a broader needs assessment strategy, the Research Translation Core (RTC) will identify and prioritize topics to integrate into public health and health practice or policy on an annual basis.
Results of funded research and projects. The RTC will work with the Research Core (RC) to establish this listing. Actionable new information and results will be considered based on ability to integrate this knowledge into national public health agendas and practices, or to formulate research directions within NCBDDD or through DRDC to advance translation efforts. New extramural DRDC funded projects will provide some direction for more global translation based on the individual translation plans included within the proposals.
New or emerging areas. There are other topics of interest to NCBDDD that have not been previously funded through the DRDC mechanism, such as venous thromboembolism and early recognition of birth defects and developmental abnormalities in babies of mothers who contracted the Zika virus, which could emerge as important issues during the funding cycle. Review of national databases such as recommendations and products from CDC and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), National Quality Forum (NQF), National Core Indicators (NCI), or Council on Quality and Leadership (CQI) may identify topics of importance to birth defects, blood disorders, rare conditions, and disability.
Needs assessment. If warranted, a needs assessment may be completed to query a broad stakeholder group about gaps in policy or practice where sufficient knowledge may be present or where specific research may fill that gap. Collaboration with NCBDDD division leadership will direct the need, goal, or composition of an assessment. Using survey methods, NCBDDD professionals, members of the Research advisory Committee (RAC), Stakeholder and Partner Dissemination Network, or other groups will allow a broader view and may compliment the other strategies. Membership of the RAC now includes experts in translation activities. The RTC and RC teams will make an initial priority listing, and further discussion with NCBDDD leadership and professionals will refine and determine at least one topic for research translation efforts. A needs assessment could also be employed to choose and prioritize topics. At least one topic/year will be identified and a translation project will be completed.