Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD, University of Colorado (Funded 2018)
The project team will look up all children on school database and identify any links to early hearing detection and intervention database. We will also attempt to identify any children not identified through EHDI who have information about whether the loss was congenital or acquired.
Prepare data for analysis:
1. Children identified through EHDI
2. Children in the database not in EHDI
3. Separate children into bilateral versus unilateral
4. Within bilateral and unilateral – separate groups into mild-moderate and moderate-severe to profound
5. Identify children with conductive versus sensori-neural hearing loss, to the extent possible- data is complete from any child identified through EHDI, but children who entered the school system later on may have incomplete data.
6. Identify number of children with outcomes at each age level from preschool through 18 years.
7. Identify number of children with longitudinal from infancy through 15-18 years (high school), 11-15 (middle school), 5 to 11 (primary), 3 to 5 (preschool)
8. Identify and separate children with additional disabilities and separate cognitive disorders if possible.
9. Determine which comparison groups are possible with the data that is available
10. Identify categories of socio-economic categories – eligible for free lunch, maternal level of education from EHDI – EHDI with assessments versus EHDI without assessments.
11. Obtain costs for each level of service: SLP services, OT services, mainstream services, resource room with teacher of the deaf, interpreters, 504 plans, and other IEP considerations, such as technology and audiology, other special education services.
Data will be analyzed as proposed through both HLM and Latent Growth Modeling. Dependent upon the results of initial analysis, follow-up analyses such as structural equation modeling may also be used.