The DRDC announces two (2) new research opportunities for the 2019 cycle. These will be awarded from the University of South Carolina as subcontracts from its prime award for the DRDC, which is funded by the CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD). All applications are due by 8PM Eastern time on […]Read More »
Utilization of Hospital Services for Opioid Users with Disabilities, using Population-based nationally representative data
Suzanne McDermott, PhD, University of South Carolina (Funded 2018) The overall goal for this project is to describe the opioid prescription filling experience for people with a range of disabilities, and to characterize their use of inpatient hospital and Emergency Department (ED) services during a two-year period. Publicly available National Health Interview Study (NHIS) data will be linked […]Read More »
Accelerated Timeline for EHDI Benchmarks
Jareen Meinzen-Derr, PhD, MPH, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Funded 2018) The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of different EHDI benchmarks for improving both short term (language) and long term (early academic) outcomes in children who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH) served through the state of Ohio’s EHDI program. This project […]Read More »
Intensity of Interventions for Hearing Loss – Colorado
Mallene Wiggin, PhD, University of Colorado (Funded 2018) This project involves analyzing the data from two large datasets. Both datasets include expressive/receptive language (spoken and signed), developmental, demographic, audiological, and intervention variables. One dataset is from a population study in one state where the intervention system is uniform within the state. The second dataset is […]Read More »
Intensity of Interventions for Hearing Loss – Ohio
Jareen Meinzen-Derr, PhD, MPH, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (Funded 2018) The objective of this proposed research is to assess the effectiveness of early intervention (EI) for improving both short term (language) and longer term (early academic) outcomes in children who are deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH) served through the state of Ohio’s EHDI program. This […]Read More »
Linking EHDI Data
Christine Yoshinaga-Itano, PhD, University of Colorado (Funded 2018) The project team will look up all children on school database and identify any links to early hearing detection and intervention database. We will also attempt to identify any children not identified through EHDI who have information about whether the loss was congenital or acquired. Prepare data […]Read More »
Developmental Monitoring and Language – Delaware
Beth Mineo, PhD, University of Delaware (Funded 2018) The purpose of this project is to examine the feasibility and impact of Lear the Signs. Act Early. (LTSAE) materials on developmental monitoring and language enrichment supports that will be delivered through Women, Infants and Children (WIC) clinics across the state of Delaware. During the pre-intervention period […]Read More »
Developmental Monitoring and Language – Oregon
Katherine Zuckerman, MD, MPH, Oregon Health & Science University (Funded 2018) We will design and pilot test a 3-part intervention to enhance the link between WIC and other early childhood resources. The intervention includes: (1) on-site WIC staff training using CDC Learn the Signs Act Early materials, with emphasis on early literacy and early identification […]Read More »
Developmental Monitoring and Language – Georgia
Daniel Crimmins, PhD, Georgia State University (Funded 2018) The primary purpose of this project is to conduct two randomized control trials (RCTs) separately testing the effects of integrating LTSAE materials into the Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visiting model as a developmental monitoring (DM) activity in Phase 1 / Year 1 and the integration of […]Read More »
Screening for Tics in Children – Florida
Adam Lewin, PhD, University of South Florida (Funded 2018) The purpose of the project is to examine the ability of a brief screener to detect tics/TD in a community sample. Specifically, we will examine the sensitivity/specificity of the MOVeIT (parent and youth versions) to detect tics in a diverse primary care population over the course […]Read More »